Earthkeeper Alchemical Practices
for Healing Water, Earth and Air

Sun. Oct. 9 11 am - 12:30 pm Before the Fall Harvest Ceremony
Radiation released by the recent earthquakes and tsunamis threaten to kill all wildlife in the Pacific and our food sources. Pollution is rampant everywhere. Windstorms and floods continue to grow. Mother Earth reacts as a conscious being to our prayers, songs, intent and thoughts!!!! Let us help as gifted healers, prayer makers, alchemists and/or shamanic practitioners to reduce and remedy this situation. This Earthkeeper Achemy has been a mission of the Amethyst Center for 20 years!
The Chief Angels of Healing, the White Light Masters, The Eco-dragons, the Beneficial Star Nations, the Forest People and the Spirit in Nature work with us to divert and lessen ecological disasters and return Mother Earth to a higher and healthier form moving up to 5D reality.